EFPC WEBINAR: Strengthening primary care systems across OECD countries
EFPC WEBINAR: Strengthening primary care systems across OECD countries
26th June 2018
Strengthening primary care, and getting greater value out of this sector, is a priority for all OECD health systems. Strengthening primary care system is seen as an effective way to address the aging population, rising burden of chronic diseases, increasing health expenditures and persisting health inequalities.
Caroline Berchet from the Health Division of the OECD will report in this webinar some background elements on the rationale for investing in strong primary care system and how it is best placed to address the changing demographics and epidemiological context. The webinar will also explore the current arrangements of primary care systems across OECD countries and focus on some current weaknesses. It will finally identify possible policy options that countries could consider to strengthen their primary care systems, drawing lessons from the recent series of OECD Health Care Quality Reviews and other relevant OECD works on primary care.
Free Registration: info@euprimarycare.org
EFPC WEBINAR: Strengthening primary care systems across OECD countries