Luxembourg National OT News
News from Luxembourg, 2019
2018 was a successful year for our association. The ALED was involved in organizing and shaping the Stroke day on the 12th and 13th of May at the Rehazenter in Luxembourg. This day was initiated by the “Blëtz” – Association for Stroke in Luxemburg. Since the foundation in 2013, the ALED has been working in close cooperation with “Blëtz”. Once a year, two of our members give lectures for patients who had a stroke, giving them advice and inform them about different aids to facilitate their daily activities or make these activities possible at all.
The concept of the Stroke day 2018 was a conference for OTs about different approaches in treatment of patients after a stroke. Fifty OTs participated in this conference. The next day was open to the public. Author Karl Michael Haus was invited to present his functional approach of OT to initiate and facilitate movements in daily activities of stroke concerned patients. This approach is called “Funktionelle Alltagstherapie” (functional daily therapy). We are honoured, that the “Blëtz” association celebrated its 5th anniversary presenting OT under the patronage of the future Grand Duchess Stephanie.
“Blëtz” is committed to continuous education about stroke and its related consequences. The association criticises the lack of stroke units in Luxembourg. The identification and immediate care of people suffering a stroke should be improved drastically. The aim in building a care centre and thus closing the gap between rehabilitation and the reintegration in daily activities, is the next big step. “Blëtz” is supporting the need of recognition and reimbursement of OT from the health insurances in Luxembourg.
What else in 2018?
ALED organized two trainings for OT’s.
On May 14th the subject was ”Handlungsorientierte Diagnostik und Therapie – HoDT” (Action-oriented diagnostics and therapy). HoDT is reducing an action to its basic elements and rebuild this action step by step. It is mainly for people with a neuropsychological disorder.
On the 27th of October, the OT- World Day, ALED organized a PRPP Assessment introduction workshop (Occupational Performance Model – OPM Australia).
Both events were well visited.
What will 2019 bring?
ALED stays strongly committed to the recognition of our profession. ALED had an appointment with the social security in February 2019. In addition, COTEC has planned its meeting in collaboration with the ALED in Luxembourg in May 2019.
More about these events next year.