
Strategic Occupational Therapy Partners

OT-Europe Occupational Therapy Europe
enothe ENOTHE European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education
ROTOS Research in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Foundation
WFOT_header_logo WFOT World Federation of Occupational Therapists


Together with WFOT, COTEC is involved in the WHO European region

WHO World Health Organisation
WHO Europe World Health Organisation, European Region


COTEC is a partner of

EUPHA European Public Health Association

COTEC is cooperating with and supporting

EFPA European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations
EPA European Psychiatric Association
EPF European Patients Forum
EFAD European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians
ESLA European Speech and Language Association
ER WCPT European Region, World Confederation for Physical Therapy
EPDA European Parkinson’s Disease Association
HORATIO  European Psychiatric Nurses
FIP-IFP  The International Federation of Podiatrists  – Fédération Internationale des Podologues
IFSW Europe International Federation of Social Workers Europe
EuroCarers European Association Working for Carers and National Client Organisations

These links are outside COTEC’s control and we can not take responsibility for the information they contain