Slovenia National OT News
News from Slovenia, 2019
This year was very busy for ZDTS. Most of the year we have been involved in preparation of our (new) occupational therapy services and we have already started our negotiations with Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) in order to finance our upcoming services.
Our second major work was setting up service norms for our profession in general. At present, none of health care providers in Slovenia have set up service norms for (quality) work.
ZDTS was also involved in setting up professional plan for new Mental Health Centers now emerging in Slovenia. These mental health centers will pose several new opportunities for employment for occupational therapists and for our professional development and we are very happy about that.
In 2019 ZDTS has organized over 20 educational courses and/or workshops, which offered further professional development to over 450 participants. Our plan for 2020 is just as diligent as this years’ in this area.
Our yearly meeting was again held in December with one-hundred-and-twenty occupational therapists attending it. This year we had a lecture about Innovative Validation and about Creative supervision. All members of the ZDTS received new issue of our Slovenian Occupational Therapy Journal and Slovenian version of 5th version of COPM. We concluded our yearly meeting with awards for professional achievements in the field of OT.
ZDTS elections for years 2020 β 2024 were also carried out. Katarina Galof was reelected as the president of ZDTS, Julija Ocepek was reelected as the vice president and Marijana MarkoviΔ as the secretary of the association. We wish all elected every success in the next four years.
The president of ZDTS Katarina Galof invited all attending the yearly meeting to actively contribute at the 10th Congress of OT, which is taking place on 22th and 23th October 2020 on the Slovenian coast in Portorose.