Germany National OT News
News from Germany, 2019
German OT-Congress 2019: Innovative and Inspiring
This year in May more than 1500 occupational therapists came to Osnabrueck for the annual Congress of Occupational Therapy in Germany. Visitors enjoyed three inspiring days with various possibilities for learning, looking for new ideas and developments concerning OT and – last but not least – for networking. It was inspiring to meet so many skilled and active colleagues.
The motto of the Congress “Modern Times?!” was found throughout various perspectives, as in lectures and workshops and many interactive events were offered this year:
- The ceremony and presentation of the “OT Award 2019” and the “Innovation in Education – Award”
- The world cafe with the board members of the German Association of Occupational Therapy (DVE)
- The open-space-event concerning our professional identity as OT
- The barcamp where the participants themselves chose their subject of discussion, for example “autism”, “sustainability at the OT-Congress” or “improving networking”
- The discussion about “Verkammerung” (mandatory professional registration board) – a special topic these days in Germany
During the Congress there was a poster exhibition and a fair with products, e.g. literature or therapeutic devices, that might be useful for OTs and their clients. Furthermore, all visitors had the opportunity to spend time at the art exhibition, where artists of an open therapeutic project for people with or without handicap presented their pictures.
All in all, it was an innovative and inspiring event and we now look forward to 2020, when the DVE-Congress will take place in Weimar (May, 14.-16.) – international guest are welcome!