Luxembourg National OT News Archive
News from Luxembourg, 2018
Our association was founded in 1985. All our 12 committee members work on a voluntary basis for the association. In total, the ALED counts around 100 members. Although there are 300 OT’s currently working in Luxemburg. Most of them are employed, but also some work in private practice. This is because occupational therapy is not paid by the health insurance yet.
Once a year we have a meeting with the health insurance to discuss and explain the need for professional approval of occupational therapy. Last year our request was to finally get a convention for our profession and nomenclature for private practitioners.
COTEC supported our association with several letters to emphasize the importance of occupational therapy for the well-being of the population.
In December 2017 we received the answer from the health insurance. Psychotherapists, podiatrists and the dieticians will first get a convention this year. The negotiations for a convention with occupational therapists will probably begin in 2019 with an effective date at the earliest in 2020.
So you can imagine that we are really disappointed. But… we will never stop fighting. „This is how the cookie crumbles“.
News from Luxembourg, March 2012
We have no special news.
We are about 180 OT’s working in Luxemburg and 80 OT’s are member of our association.
We are still fighting for recognition of the profession as independents of the government.
We can work in institutions but not as independents.
For further questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Léa Schaeffe