Czech Republic National OT News Archive
News from the Czech Republic, 2018
2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2020
Occupational Therapy Europe – building resilience in individuals, communities and countries
September 23 – 27, 2020
The preparations for the COTEC-ENOTHE congress 2020 continue.
The organizing committee (members from Czech Association of Occupational Therapists, COTEC and ENOTHE) are having the Skype meeting approximately every two months discussing the circumstances of the Congress. The team of two representatives of the organizing team were promoting the COTEC- ENOTHE congress 2020 at WFOT Congress in Cape Town.
Also, we are in the process of forming the scientific committee. We already know this committee will include members from Charles University, Czech Association of Occupational Therapists, COTEC, ROTOS and ENOTHE.
Please, do not forget the important dates:
Abstract submission opening: April 2019 Registration opening: January 2020
Early registration deadline: June 2019
Abstract submission deadline: September 2019
Looking forward to seeing you all in Prague.
Working group in mental health
The working group for occupational therapy in mental health in the Czech Republic was set up within The Czech Association of Occupational Therapists.
The establishment of this group was initiated by Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová, occupational therapist and a member of COTEC Register of experts in mental health. The group has 28 occupational therapist members.
This group is mapping the situation in occupational therapy in mental health (monitoring the amount of occupational therapists working in mental health in Czech Republic and the professional approaches used in occupational therapy intervention), sharing practical experiences, promoting occupational therapy in mental health (leaflets for clients, leaflets for professionals) and aims to increase overall quality of occupational therapy in mental health in Czech Republic (guidelines for practice, guidelines for education).
News from the Czech Republic, 2017
As every year, the Czech Association of Occupational Therapists organizes the national conference of Occupational Therapy. The conference will take place in Ostrava, Silesia this year. The place of the conference (which is usually held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic) was chosen to support the connection and cooperation between occupational therapists across the country.
The conference program will feature presentations on the use of robotic hand rehabilitation in occupational therapy, international trends and casuistry. The program will also include an excursion to rehabilitation hospital Hrabyne.
Date of conference: 13. – 14. 10. 2017
News from Czech Republic, February 2011
The last six months have brought
– a new number of the newsletter of our NA (“Bulletin CAE“)
– the celebrations of the World Day of Occupational Therapy with a great success (you can read a bit more beneath this article)
– the translation of key terminology terms (ENOTHE consensus terms) has been adopted by the NA Board and was sent to the ENOTHE Office ENOTHE Terminology Group
– cooperation with other paramedical professions on the proposal for the legislative changes
– we have been dealing with a big problem concerning the specialization of OT´s and financing of the OT interventions in the health care institutions (the communication with the responsible authorities – ministry of health care and the National centre for paramedical professions is still very difficult.
– we have participated in the conference of psychopedy in the way of interdisciplinary dialogue
NA action plan for 2011
(only the most important information were chosen)
1) Newsletter NA (“Bulletin CAE“) – regular spring and autumn number in an electronic form
2) Revision of the Code of Ethics NA – responding to the call of COTEC, initiation of the working group
3) Organize a national OT conference (June 2011)
4) Apply a project concerning the propagation of the profession
5) Participation on the COTEC meetings
6) Promotion of the OT in the Czech Republic (April as a month of OT and a Day of OT in October, participation on the promotional activities of other paramedical professions and NGO´s
7) Participation on the autumn ENOTHE meeting
8) Initiation of the working group oriented on the preparation of the proposal of financing of the OT interventions in the health care institutions
World Day of Occupational Therapy
Czech Association of Occupational Therapists has participated in the celebrations of the World Day of Occupational Therapy for the first time in its history. The Association encouraged its members to participate in the celebrations through the informal visible promotion of profession at their workplaces or neighbourhood. The call was focused not only on the therapists in practice but also to all schools providing education for students of Occupational Therapy in the Czech Republic. On this occasion, the Committee of our NA organized a seminar on the use of creative techniques in Occupational Therapy.
The committee was very pleased with the positive feedback that we have received from the participants. The 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague joined in the celebrations with the students (as the only one of four Czech OT schools). Seminar organized by the NA had 25 participants (capacity was 30). We don´t know about the involvement of Occupational Therapists in their practice yet, but we hope they will let us know. Even in seemingly small numbers, we consider our celebrations as a great success, because the celebration of the World Day of Occupational Therapy didn´t have any tradition in our country. We hope that we will continue with this tradition in the coming years! On behalf of the Czech Association of Occupational Therapists Jana Matochova
News from Czech Republic, August 2010
The last six months have brought
– a new number of the newsletter of our NA (“Bulletin CAE“)
– NA Conference 2010, it was very interesting, inspiring and successful
– the Annual General Meeting of NA (4.6.2010), on the programme was to inform members about activities, plans and motivate members for cooperation with the Board or with the working groups, etc.
– NA Terminology Working Group – has finished the translation of key terminology terms (consensus terms) in cooperation with ENOTHE, the material is ready for adoption of the NA Board than it will be sent to ENOTHE Terminology Group. The translation was introduced to the NA´s members during the Annual General Meeting
– new elections to the NA Board of 2010, which means a lot of changes for the Board, but likely our president Jana Jelinkova was elected and has approved to continue in the same position to ensure the continuation of our work. A big „Thank You“ to her!
– unfortunately, we did not manage to come to Zagreb or to Helsinki COTEC meeting
– the idea of “April – the month of Occupational Therapy” (information campaign to raise awareness about Occupational Therapy), was not successful, the Board is preparing the new strategy for the next year
– we have to deal with a big problem concerning the specialization of OT´s, NA President is in a contract with ministry of health care, but the communication is very difficult.
NA action plan for autumn and winter 2010
(only the most important information were chosen)
1) Newsletter NA (“Bulletin CAE“) – regular autumn number in the electronic form
2) Revision of the Code of Ethics NA – responding to the call of COTEC, initiation of the working group
3) Organize at least one educational activity for OT´s, for example, course on taping
4) Participation in the conference of psychopedy
5) Apply a project concerning seniors to the Foundation of Air Traffic
6) Prepare a proposal for a specialized study of OT´s (upon the request of the Ministry of Health Care)
News from Czech Republic, February 2010
In the past few years, it has happened quite a lot in the field of Occupational therapy in the Czech Republic. The number of OT´s university study programmes has increased up to the current four. There have been many changes in legislation. National conferences and other educational activities have been organized regularly. I consider as very important the restoration of an NA newsletter (in an electronic form) and two printed publications. In 2008 it was a Czech translation of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (published by NA) and in 2009 the title “Occupational therapy” (published by Portal) authors are Jana Jelinkova – president of NA, Maria Krivosikova – former President of NA and also former delegate of COTEC and Ludmila Sajtarova – active member of the NA Committee. The last named book is an introduction to OT and well fits as a textbook for OT students, OT practitioners and other professionals.
NA action plan in 2010
(only the most important information was chosen)
1) Newsletter NA (“Bulletin CAE“) – regular two numbers in a year
2) NA Conference 2010 – date 4 – 5.6. 2010, the venue of Education Faculty, Charles University in Prague
3) Revision of the Code of Ethics NA – responding to the call of COTEC, initiation of the working group
4) NA Terminology Working Group – release the agreed translation of key terms (consensus terms) in cooperation with ENOTHE
5) International cooperation – participation of NA delegate on at least one COTEC meeting 2010
6) New elections to the NA committee of 2010
7) The Annual General Meeting of NA – information about activities, plans and addressing members to cooperate with the Committee, participation in working groups, etc.
8) Annual Report of 2009
9) April – the month of Occupational Therapy (information campaign to raise awareness of Occupational Therapy)