Benefits of membership
Benefits of Membership of COTEC
Overarching Benefits:
- Being represented at European level
- Keep up to date with European policy, standards and legislation
- Information on current European issues which impact on occupational therapy practice and education
- Opportunities to be engaged in
- EU consultations on varied subjects related to health, social care, labour market and environment
- EU driven projects on EU or national level
- participating and presenting on European events
- Opportunities for networking with OT and other organisations
- Access to 29 European OT National Associations and their staff with a wide range of interests and expertise
- Opportunities to share and develop guidance documents in different subjects as e.g. gouvernance, specialization with NA s across Europe through the development of informal and formal relationships
- Opportunities to promote achievements and successes of individuals and your association within Europe through web site, newsletter or network
- Opportunities to encourage to widen the horizons of your NA members regarding cross cultural experience
- Being a part of a European community of OT’s as individual OT and having opportunities to reflect on own daily professional practice having a broader perspective
Specific Benefits:
- Access to information, facts and figures about OT and a number of resources to inform practice through the website
- Opportunity to be involved in cross European projects through expert groups e.g. on Elderly, Mental Health, Children and Adolescents, Primary Care, Dementia, ICT innovation.
- Opportunity for professional development as a potential member of the Board, presenter at the joint congress
- Potential access to professionals who may wish to collaborate on cross European research
Some examples of concrete ways of benefiting from COTEC as national association.
Support by means of:
- Letters written by Cotec executive and/or other NA s.
- Speeches on national congresses on relevant issues which places your profession in an international context
- By COTEC Executive Committee members
- By using Cotec executive network for finding keynote speakers
- By using Cotec members to find experts in some field
- Logo use
- for announcement congresses, showing you are a member of a community
- Being a member might get sponsors interested
- For using on specific letters
- Welcoming or supporting messages in congress book
- Meetings with relevant persons
- Politicians
- Regulators
- Make use of the facts and figures in the summary of profession for national policies
- Using the Cotec network
- Identifying experts in field
- Sharing experiences in policy matters, guidelines, regulations, organisational issues
- Find best practices
- Develop and or use position statements made by experts in the field