Belgium National News Archive
News from Belgium, 2017
Let us start this newsletter with a brief explanation of the organisation of the occupational therapy associations in Belgium. Belgium is a federally organised country. The governance with respect to health care is split between the federal governments and the regional Flemish (Dutch speaking) and Wallonian (French-speaking) governments. The system is complex and therefore the professional associations for occupational therapy are organised regionally and not federally. The Wallonian association is called Union Professionelle des Ergothérapeutes (UPE) (this was formally the Association des Ergothérapeutes or AE) and in the Flemish region, we have the Vlaams Ergotherapeutenverbond (VE). These two organisations form the FNBE (French acronym)-NBFE (Dutch acronym). We work together for all federal and international issues, therefore some projects are organised differently, but through continued collaboration, we strive to create the same vision and identity for occupational therapy in Belgium. The language differences are something that adds to our diversity and we don’t see it as a problem.
Below you will find the latest “hot off the press” items, which both associations are busy with. We also invite you all to visit our websites and if you have any difficulty with understanding our languages then please ask, we would be happy to help.
Last year, the Belgium government started several reform-projects concerning Public Health governance, ideology and organization. All these reforms will greatly affect the way in which occupational therapists work in the coming years. These are important challenges that appeal to us, which will also create new opportunities…
- The reform of hospital finance: To increase the efficiency of the use of financial resources, the number of hospital beds will be reduced and more resources will be used in transmural and home health care. The number of jobs may decrease in hospitals in favour of the increase in jobs in transmural and home health care.
- The e-health plan: In the next three years, all health professionals will have to establish a professional electronic file that will be linked to a national e-health platform. The first electronic occupational therapists file has already been designed: this will be tested by a pilot group in the field in the next few months.
- Integrated care for chronically ill persons: In order to cope with the rapidly increasing number of chronically ill citizens, the Belgian government wants to address the effectiveness of the care itself. Multimorbidity is a serious challenge for the medical world, which necessitates a switch from a medical to a bio-psycho-social model. This is good news for the holistic thinking and working occupational therapists!
- The reform of the law regulating the status and implementation of health professions: The current (old) law governing the implementation of health professions is based on a pyramidal hierarchy between care professions, with on top of the all-deciding physician and at the bottom of the “supportive professions” such as the occupational therapist. Our health minister, who herself is a physician, wants to turn this system into a work organization based on the competencies of healthcare providers. That is really revolutionary. Basic principles include quality of care, interdisciplinary collaboration, lifelong learning, client-centred care … That’s real music to the ears of occupational therapists.
- Primary and home health care reform: All the projects mentioned above require a thorough reform of home health care. The government wants to shift the focus of public health from hospitals and institutions to primary and home health care. The territory (initially Dutch-speaking Flanders) will be subdivided into home health care areas, where care will be integrated and interdisciplinary organized around the citizen with a need for care. Currently, occupational therapists are not well represented in primary and home health care, for political and financial reasons alone (we do not have enough power in a pyramidal system …). The government finally begins to understand that occupational therapists are very effective and particularly in primary and home health care.
The professional associations have had a lot of consultations with the government, and many more to come.
This report has been made by Pierre Seeuws (president FNBE-NBFE) Marc-Eric Guisset (vice-president FNBE-NBFE), Thomas Otte (UPE), Marlies Suetens (VE), Mike Jarrey (VE)
News from Belgium, August 2015
First of all, we would acknowledge the work done as ”voluntary ” by all the members of the national and regional associations. It is not easy to combine the profession, the family and the work for the association. We take this opportunity to officially thank them for their involvement, the work and the time spent to promote our profession and represent us in the meetings with the various commissions of the Health Ministry.
Pierre Seeuws is the new president of the National Federation and also of the Vlaams Ergotherapeutenverbond.
We continue working with the Health Ministry for registration and evaluation of continuing education. This procedure is valid for all paramedical professions and we are in regular contact and collaboration with all of them.
We are progressing towards a legal national association, for which statutes need to be reviewed and rewritten due to the change of legal statute of both regional associations. They are now “professional unions” and it is an important step to protect the members of the profession. It will give us more power in our discussions with the Health Ministry in the two regions.
Both regional associations are very concerned with continuing education and the main topics are: independent OT practice, assessment, home adaptation and accessibility, geriatric, publications,…
You can follow the evolution on either directly in French and Dutch on each website, or on Facebook.
Dutch-speaking regional association:
The website gives you all the information concerning the past and future seminaries, workshops, continuing education programme,…..
The association is involved in ”Icare4you”, first line care, Tetra project, interdisciplinary education programme, professional profiles easy to read for non-professionals, code of ethics, publication of ”OT and developmental disorders”…
More information: and also on Facebook:
French-speaking regional association:
Marc-Eric Guisset has been elected as president of the ”Association des Ergothérapeutes” and the new union will also include the German-speaking Occupational Therapists.
The annual publication in French can be ordered from the online store which was renewed and expanded with recently published books. The next publication is in preparation and proposals can be made for 2016 to the publication committee.
The association website is the link for all information: job offers, activities of the different groups (geriatric, neurology, home care, self-employed and private practice).
The access to OTDBase is offered to AE members since January 2015.
More information: or on Facebook:
This report has been made by Marlies Suetens, Pauline de Hemptinne and Claire Valentin.
News from Belgium, January 2015
We are working with the Ministry of Health for registration and evaluation of continuing education. Members of the 2 regional associations represent the occupational therapists at the National Council of Paramedical Staff, at the Technical Commission for Paramedical Staff and at the Commission of Appeal since 2014. (
Inscription with the National Health refunding organisation (INAMI-RIZIV) is also mandatory in order to work in private practice according to the new legislation.
Foreign OT also have to apply for registration in order to work in Belgium. Information about registration procedure is available on our website
We are making steps towards a legal national association, for which statutes need to be rewritten.
Both websites of regional association give possibilities to find the OT with the right speciality, information on accreditation, continuing education, research, self-employment and legal statute, geriatric, publications,…
You can follow the evolution either directly on each website and also on facebook.
Dutch-speaking regional association:
A lower amount of members (10-15%) seems to be a tendency year by year. A solution has been sought by proposing payments through a domiciliary system, information in schools and eventually reintroduction of free OT membership for students, promotion material, folders,…
The website is being renewed (more interactive, with possibilities to make adjustments, VITInetwork, personal log in system for members) with a possibility for independent OT’s to advertise.
The newsletter has a new layout with Flexious.
The association is involved in ”Icare4you”, first line care, Tetra project, interdisciplinary education programme, professional profile easy to read for non professional, code of ethics, publication of ”OT and developmental disorders”…
More information:
French-speaking regional association:
The annual publication in French consists in two different sections with 4 scientific articles and 5 professional experiences. It is distributed to every member in December and can be ordered from the online store which was renewed and expanded with recently published books.
The association Website is a platform where job offers are numerous: 82 were published in 2014.
The different groups (geriatric, neurology, home care…) are very active and are present on our regional website, where everybody can find information on their meetings and research. A newborn theme group has started in April 2014 for occupational therapists who wish to develop the profession as self-employed.
The association has been the interface to inform occupational therapists about: the professional insurance, the new practice related to stroke rehabilitation, the royal decrees concerning myoelectric prosthetics, specialised education and care in paediatric oncology/haematology.
The association has called for nominations in order to participate in the elaboration of recommendations for autism, in the development of the ICD-11 classification in mental health, in the genesis of practices for chronic diseases.
The access to OTDBase is offered to AE members since January 2015.
More information:
This report has been made by Marlies Suetens, Pauline de Hemptinne and Claire Valentin.
News from Belgium, February 2014
Since January 2013, 8.422 occupational therapists have been registered in order to beauthorized to work in Belgium.
We are now working with the Ministry of Health on the evaluation of continuing education. This procedure is planned for all the paramedical profession and it will be a guarantee of quality for all patients in our country. Foreign OT also have to apply for registration in order to work in Belgium. Information about registration procedure is available on our websites.
Inscription with the National Health refunding organisation (INAMI-RIZIV) is also mandatory in order to work in private practice according to the new legislation. In December 2013, 726 occupational therapists have received the approbation to work in private practice.
Despite the fact that all educational programmes are WFOT approved, some occupational therapists have encountered problems to get the qualification equivalence in France and in the Netherlands.
Philippe Meeus has been elected as President of the national association.
Dutch-speaking regional association:
In July 2013, the first 11 master students have been graduated. The programme is a joint venture of high schools and universities in the Dutch-speaking region.
The association participate actively in the REVA fair ( biennial fair and symposium), EXPO60+, ”Move for Parkinson Classic”,…
Development of professional profile such as guidelines for home-based OT, description of competences, new trends, vision and tasks, according to COTEC and WFOT documents are studied in collaboration with the universities.
Residential care is developing and project for home-based OT are extended, including analysis of the needs of caregivers of elderly, difficulties to find independent OTs,…
In May 2013 a student won a prize for an informative game. It has been developed to enable elderly people to express their feelings and concerns when moving to residential care.
French-speaking regional association:
The association organizes each year a session during which one student of each of the 7 schools present his final work (TFE). This is a way to promote their work and give the new qualified an opportunity to speak in front of a large public. We hope this experience will encourage them to participate to congresses in the future.
The association will be present on April 3-4 at the next fair ”Soins & Santé” organized for the health professions.
Some groups (geriatric, neurology, home care,…) are very active and are present on our regional website, where everybody can find information on their meetings and research. Independant OT, is the newborn group and is working on the promotion of OT home intervention to the patients and also to the doctors. A scientific group is also created to work on a new pamphlet for the promotion of OT.
Continuing education will be an obligation and the regional association is planning a seminar to inform the members of their obligations and also to meet their needs of continuing education
The online bookshop is offering special prices to our members and is one of our actions to encrease membership.
This report has been written by Marlies Suetens and Claire Valentin.
News from Belgium, May 2012
The registration organized by the Health Ministry has started in March 2012. After January 2013, all OT must be registered to work in Belgium: it will be a guarantee of quality for all patients in our country.
This registration is also mandatory in order to work in private practice according to the new legislation. Patients are now refunded by the national health insurance system if they need an evaluation of the home, advice for technological aids, information of the families and carers,.ADL and AIDL evaluation and specific ADL home teaching,… after their stay in an approved rehabilitation center.
Foreign OT will also have to apply for registration in order to work in Belgium. Information about registration procedure isavailable on our websites.
Dutch-speaking regional association:
The ”Woonzorgdecreet” has been activated : networks will be created to focus on assisting the elderly to remain at home as long as possible providing assistive services (eg: cleaning services, meals, …). If necessary daycare, short stay or residential care are also available. Therefore OT’s are included in local and regional service centers.
The regional centers work with insurance companies (complementary insurance) and are are only accreditated if, per year, they have at least 30 clients needing OT care: home evaluation, adaptations,… In January a two-year evaluation period started before implementation of this project for free advice and home service.
An installation meeting for a home health working group composed of representatives (medical advisors) of different insurance companies will include, from April 1st, occupational therapists as advisors in work handicap or work rehabilitation. It will be a two-year project, starting locally with extension to the entire region.
A new professional profile, description of competences and tasks, is studied in collaboration with the universities.
French-speaking regional association:
The association organized in March 2012 a one-day conference in order to inform its members of legislation changes, to propose modalities of intervention and to share experiences of work as independants. This conference was linked to the possibilities for the OT to work in private practice due to the new regulation published in December 2010.
The different groups (geriatric, neurology, home care…) are very active and are present on our regional website, where everybody can find information on their meetings and research.
We will soon celebrate the 40th anniversary of our association and we are therefore getting ready to organize this event.
This report has been made by Marlies Suetens, Anne Ledoux and Claire Valentin.
News from Belgium, July 2011
The registration organized by the Ministry of Health will start in October 2011 and already 6391 OT’s have participated to a survey: 4712 Dutch-speaking and 1679 French- speaking. Result of this survey concerning practice, study, continuing education,… will be available on national and regional websites.
Both regional websites are giving valuable information about registration, private practice, courses organized and also facilities such as the purchase of books at a good price, car stickers,….
Dutch-speaking regional association:
REVA 2011, a fair being organized every 2 years took place on May 5-6-7. This year, one day was organized as a “study day” with an academic session and a reception due to the 40th anniversary of the Flemish OT association and the 20th anniversary of the workgroup ‘Antwerpse Geneeskundige Dagen’. COTEC and WFOT were promoted using posters and promotion was made for the next COTEC congress in Sweden using flyers.
Website: All PowerPoint presentations of events organized by the Flemish regional association are available (for downloading) on the website: at this moment “winter meeting” and “uiteenzettingen REVA”.
On the last Friday of September will be held an OT meeting. This year, the first edition will be on September 30th.
Courses being organized in fall : ‘AMPS’, ‘specialist-OT in rheumatology’, ‘OT method in cognitive rehabilitation’
French-speaking regional association:
A new website will soon be available with new possibilities for the “working theme groups” to share information between members of the group directly on the website, a brand new library, the “advantages” of the regional association, information regarding the registering process and the inscription to the social security system…
Different projects are also on their way such as a day of information regarding private practice.
The regional association also supported study days: this spring “Ergo tous Azimuts” (held every 2 years) and 2 other study days are in preparation for the fall.
This report has been made by Marlies Suetens, Anne Ledoux and Claire Valentin.
News from Belgium, September 2010
In 2010, the Ministry of Public Health decided to start a procedure of registration of the occupational therapists, with the help of the national federation and of the two regional associations. The registration is aiming at giving an official status for all the medical profession and at establishing a profile of the practice, employer, studies, continuing education,….
The procedure is composed of 3 steps:
- The Ministry of Health asks all the occupational therapists to fill an inscription form on the Internet to give their name and internet address to create a directory
- The Ministry will contact all the occupational therapists from the directory in order to participate to a survey. This survey is due to start in September. The professional associations will have access to the results of the survey and benefit from the collected data.
- Beginning of 2011, the registration process will start and the Ministry of Health will contact all the occupational therapists listed in the directory. The registration is aimed at giving to each occupational therapist, which fills the requirements to practise, an identification number. This identification will be needed to practise in Belgium.
In August 2010 more than 5.300 occupational therapists have already filled in the inscription form on the website of the 2 regional associations and are listed in the directory for the next steps.
Therefore, the Belgian occupational therapists living abroad are invited either to fill the form now to be involved or to register later on if they want to come back in Belgium to practise :
Registering is an insurance to be able to practise if you want to come back in Belgium.
On the website of FNBE-NBFE, AE and VE, the requirements to practise in Belgium are updated and foreign occupational therapists can find all the information needed : ,,
News from Belgium, March 2010
This document has been produced by Marlies Suetens and Mathieu Louiset.