

The Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC) was established in 1986 with the purpose of coordinating the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy in Europe. The aim of COTEC is to enable National Associations of Occupational Therapists to work together to develop, harmonise and improve standards of professional practice and advance the theory of Occupational Therapy throughout Europe to best address the social and health issues affecting European citizens. COTEC strives to make Occupational Therapy visible, valued, accessible and available for all European citizens by supporting its members and by collaborating on a European level.

COTEC is the European organization for all Occupational Therapists through their National Associations, with the purpose of ensuring an adequate number of high-quality occupational therapy practitioners and services in Europe.

COTEC is a non-profit organisation (NGO) and represents 33 European Occupational Therapy Associations and more than 205,000 Occupational Therapists. COTEC is a regional group of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT).

Since 2014 COTEC is registered in the European Transparency register, facilitating an open decision-making process in Europe.

These are the values that we embody and that govern our work and vision


Creating meaningful connections and collaborations with member associations, other relevant European and international organisations


Empowering our member associations and the practice of Occupational Therapy based on contemporary knowledge and research


Promoting measurable and significant impact for Occupational Therapy in Europe and COTEC


Inspiring a wealth of future possibilities for Occupational Therapy

Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive
Profession Centred

Executive Committee

Anu Söderström 

President 2023-2027

I have been involved in COTEC since 2000 – first as the appointed COTEC Delegate of the Finnish Association of Occupational Therapists 2000-2010 and Programme Area Coordinator of the Organizational Issues 2004-2008. I have held different positions in COTEC Executive Committee years 2008-2012 and 2013-2019 before my election as the President in October 2019.

With over 20 years of experience working as an OT in Finland, I am committed to leading the work of COTEC with the aim to make the profession better known and valued in Europe. COTEC is the voice of Occupational Therapists in Europe and provides a good network for practitioners and provides many opportunities to be involved in European projects and events relevant to the profession.  I would like to encourage our Member associations and individual OTs to actively take advantage of the information and opportunities provided.

Yara Peterko

Vice President 2023-2027

I am a dedicated Occupational Therapist with over a decade of experience and also earned a Master’s degree in Health Assisting Engineering. Born in Germany, my diverse background includes Polish origins, but I spent most of my life in Austria, where I began my career as an Occupational Therapist in 2009. From 2012 to 2023, I actively supported the development of the profession as a board member of Ergotherapie Austria and as Austria’s WFOT Delegate.

In 2020, I relocated to Sark, a small island in the British Channel, which expanded my international perspective. I now work with Physioedia in the ReLAB- HS project, supporting international professional organisations in the implementation and accessibility of rehabilitation in health care systems. These competencies complement my role as COTEC Vice President, where I am dedicated to work in alignment with the values of Connection, Empowerment, Influence, and Inspiration.

Lisa Wetzlmair-Kephart

Vice President Finance 2022-2026

My clinical work included work in secondary care in neurology, mental health, and cancer treatment. I was able to work and engage at local, national, and international levels with both clinical and academic contributions. My professional focus is heavily influenced by acknowledging the importance but also the beauty of interprofessional collaboration and practice.

As a member of the COTEC Executive Committee, I want to be an advocate for successful, high-quality interprofessional collaboration and practice in Europe’s health and social care teams and systems. In my role as Vice President Finance, I am responsible for managing and overseeing all financial matters of COTEC. Together we can make a difference in Europe’s health policies by contributing to the visibility and recognition of Occupational Therapy as an important healthcare profession in the interprofessional team and the international community.

Ann-Marie Morrissey

Vice President Administration 2022-2026

I am delighted to be elected to the Executive Committee of COTEC and to contribute towards their work of making Occupational Therapy more visible, valued, accessible and available. I have been lucky to have a diverse career in Occupational Therapy over the past ten years, working in academia, clinical practice and practice education. I am currently working as a Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at the University of Limerick, Ireland. As a proud Occupational Therapist, I am excited to work towards the development and advancement of our profession throughout Europe. I look forward to working on behalf of all members of COTEC and to getting to know everyone during my term.

Sarah Kufner

Executive Committee Member 2022-2026

As an Occupational Therapist from Germany my professional work includes 15 years of interprofessional work within the pediatric field with children, families and their meaningful system partners; 5 years of teaching and 10 years of training and coaching, publishing and congress contributions on subjects such as coaching, change and empowerment.

I feeling strongly about the power of trustful relations, partnership and caring communities, which has led me to found the empowerment-project in 2016, an independent participatory network initiative of occupational therapists engaging on a local, national and international level. As member of the Executive Committee I want to continue my engagement to empower our profession and ensuring progress in action to the strategic plan of COTEC.

Anneliis Aavik 

Executive Committee Member 2022-2026

Occupational therapy is my second career. I graduated first with a degree in Biology and Gene technology. I started my Occupational Therapy studies a few years later and currently I’m working on my MA in Occupational Therapy. I practice in the mental health field and providing home occupational therapy services, the latter as a private service provider.

I teach Occupational Therapy at Tallinn Health Care College. I love my job as an occupational therapist! I’ve been a member of the Estonian Association of Occupational Therapist since my 1st year of studies. From 2021 I was the president of said association. I’m really passionate about occupational therapy, especially in the mental health field, and I feel a strong need to prove myself, develop, advertise and make the profession of occupational therapy even more sustainable. Developing occupational therapy is very near to my heart.

COTEC Fellowship

COTEC History

COTEC was established in 1986 to co-ordinate the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy of the then Member States of the European Communities. The European Council in Brussels agreed in 1983 that “mutual recognition for diplomas was an important step in creating satisfactory conditions for the exercise of a number of professions” including occupational therapists.


COTEC was established in 1986 to co-ordinate the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy of the then Member States of the European Communities. The European Council in Brussels agreed in 1983 that “mutual recognition for diplomas was an important step in creating satisfactory conditions for the exercise of a number of professions” including occupational therapists.


It was decided to change the name to Committee of Occupational Therapists for the European Communities, COTEC.


The first European Congress was held in Portugal.


The first COTEC newsletter was published.


It was decided to rename the CHART to the Summary of Professions.


The need of harmonizing and developing OT in higher education resulted in the initiative of founding ENOTHE (European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education) within the framework of the European Union with financial support from ERASMUS. Debate followed about the relationship and links between COTEC and ENOTHE. COTEC was accepted as contributing member of WFOT.


The name of the organisation was once again changed to Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries.


COTEC was registered as an NGO under German law and entered in the German register of associations.


COTEC held its first General Assembly in Malta, with a new structure and renewed constitution.


The logo of COTEC was changed.


The first joint COTEC ENOTHE Congress was held in Galway, Ireland with the Theme Connecting Education, Practice, Research & Policy.


The second joint COTEC ENOTHE Congress planned to be held in Prague, Czech Republic with the Theme Occupational Therapy Europe – Building resilience in individuals, communities and countries had to be postponed due to a global pandemic.


The second COTEC-ENOTHE Congress was held online and the 35th Anniversary of COTEC was celebrated.


COTEC contributed as part of Occupational Therapy Europe to host the 1st Occupational Therapy Europe Congress in Krakow, Poland